The Colombia Solidarity Campaign campaigns for a socially just and sustainable peace in Colombia based on respect for the sovereignty, human rights and diversity of the Colombian people.Our objectives include:
- to resist the role played by Multinational Corporations in violating workers’ and land rights, and exploiting both the people and the environment of Colombia
- to draw attention to the horrific human rights situation in Colombia
- to oppose the criminalisation of social protest
- to unite in support of Latin American peoples defending their sovereignty against foreign aggression and all forms of imperialism and neo-colonialism.
We are a London-based organisation with members both in the UK and Colombia
working in solidarity with oppressed groups and communities affected by foreign (especially U.K.) economic interests which threaten livelihoods, lives and sovereignty in Colombia.
CSC works to
- Amplify concerns raised by grassroot groups, organisations and social movements who are peacefully campaigning for environmental and social justice.
- Conduct and facilitate research into root causes and impacts of the issues raised by the communities that we are working with, and making the findings publicly accessible.
- Raise urgent actions about community leaders and human rights defenders facing security concerns.
- Historically, there has been a huge power imbalance between those representing dominant, external economic interests, and the exploited workers and communities themselves.
- We have seen the impacts of business projects decided abroad on people, communities and territories. We have witnessed the death threats and fear which go hand in hand with standing up for social justice, and see our part to amplify the voices of the marginalized to protect life.
- There are multinationals operating in Colombia which are listed on the London Stock Exchange and are linked to serious human rights violations, and assassinations.
- The Colombian State has signed Free Trade Agreements with the U.K. which overlook human rights conditions in Colombia. This is a continuation of the imperial and colonial legacy which we want to change.
- We recognise the collusion between the Colombian government, the armed forces and paramilitary death squads, and we call for an end to the impunity this creates.
- We actively support Colombian organisations and individuals working on the above objectives through publicising these issues, and inviting Colombian representatives to speak about the real impacts.
- People have the right to access information concerning the environment in which they live and to participate in the decisions relating to their future (Rio Declaration of 1992, Principle 10).
- People have the right to protest for a socially just future and sustainable peace.
- The fight against drug trafficking should not be an excuse either for another US military occupation of Colombia or war against Venezuela.
Our current campaigns
- Cerrejón is one of the largest open-pit coal mines in the world.It is located in La Guajira and is owned by Anglo American, BHP Billiton and Glencore. African-Colombian and Wayúu indigenous communities have been brutally displaced from their lands and suffered health problems as a result of Cerrejón’s 30 years of operations.
- La Colosa is a projected gold mining project in Cajamarca, Tolima, owned by AngloGold Ashanti. If it goes ahead, it will be one of the largest open-pit gold mines in the world. Located within an area of forest reserve and an important agricultural hub for the whole country, it is being bitterly opposed by local campesino communities who fear the contamination of local rivers and the destruction of biodiversity.
- Colombia Bio Program is collaborative UK and Colombian research programme for identification and understanding of the benefits provided by the biodiversity of Colombia (including exploring indigenous knowledge) and options for management and exploitation. The Campaign looks at the exploitation and appropriation of local knowledge by UK institutions, and the risks that this represents for local communities in their sovereignty and autonomy.
- We also work to support other urgent struggles in whatever capacity we can.
CSC is a member of: