Colombia Solidarity Campaign
Saturday, 01 May 2010
 - Fighting for Peace with Justice -


Colombia Solidarity Campaign is affiliated to the European Network of Friendship and Solidarity with Colombia, which has eleven affiliates in Spain and ten from other countries.
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London Mining Network

london-mining.jpg The London Mining Network (LMN) is an alliance of human rights, development and environmental groups. We pledge to expose the role of companies, funders and government in the promotion of unacceptable mining projects.


Read the latest posts on Colombia from LMN below:


London Mining Network » Colombia
Peter Bearder´s Blog from Colombia

Aguablanca Photo Exhibition
Our UK based organisation campaigns for a socially just and sustainable peace in Colombia and opposes foreign military intervention.
About the Colombia Solidarity Campaign Print E-mail

Purpose and Objectives of the Colombia Solidarity Campaign

The Colombia Solidarity Campaign is an anti-imperialist organisation, campaigning for a socially just and sustainable peace in Colombia based on respect for the human rights and diversity of the Colombian people. The Campaign actively opposes PLAN COLOMBIA. Our specific objectives are:

  • to oppose any US, British or foreign military intervention, believing that this will only escalate the problems in Colombia
  • to oppose the policy of fumigation, and work for a solution to the coca problem based on the real needs of the people
  • to draw attention to the role that is played by Multinational Corporations in violating workers rights and exploiting both the people and the environment of Colombia
  • to draw attention to the horrific human rights situation in Colombia, and that the overwhelming majority of atrocities can be attributed to the action of the army, police, Colombian state organisms and the paramilitaries, which together constitute a policy of Colombian state terror
  • to oppose the criminalisation of social protest.

The Campaign recognises the collusion between the Colombian government, the armed forces and the paramilitary death squads, and calls for an end to the impunity that this creates.

We actively campaign through multiple strategies, and give a platform, coordination and support to Colombian organisations and individuals working for the above objectives.

We also support the right of Colombian refugees to asylum, and campaign actively to defend them.

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Frontline Latin America

Amnesty International Report 2008 - Colombia

Amnesty International Report 2008 - Colombia

Territorio pacificado

Watch online - Territorio pacificado
A film about the peace community San José de Apartadó

Until the final stone (Hasta la última piedra)

Watch online - Until the final stone
The documentary tells the history of a community of peasant farmers in Colombia, accosted by the bullets of the armed groups, who resist categorically, the pressure of violence.


Watch online Lucha!

Lucha is a documentary about the students and the struggle for human rights in Colombia. Through the eyes of 5 students, the film explores what it means to be a refugee in one’s own country.

Plan Colombia - Cashing In on the Drug War Failure

Watch online - Plan Colombia
A 20-year "war on drugs" in Colombia has been paid for by the U.S. taxpayers. Still more and more drugs and narco-dollars are entering the U.S. every year. Is it a mere failure by Washington? Or is it a smokescreen to secure Colombia's oil & natural resources?

Empire in the Andes- the War Against the Poor

Watch online - Empire in the Andes
The documentary takes a critical look at the strategies and effects of US foreign and economic policy in Latin America, especially in Colombia and Ecuador.

The Red Dance (El Baile Rojo)

Watch online - The Red Dance (El Baile Rojo)
A documentary about a political party in Colombia called the Patriotic Union (la Union Patriotica). About 4000 of its members where killed in a genocide managed by politicians, paramilitaries and militaries in a plan cynically called "the red dance".

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Original template by mediovirtual, adapted by Colombia Solidarity Campaign